YOU can create your reality.

I know it’s hard to see and appreciate this fact, especially these days when we all feel like everything we know is spinning out of our control.

You may feel powerless to control what’s happening to you and all around you; anxious about your financial situation, your job, your health, family, relationships, and loved ones.

We’re all dealing with a lot for sure.

But especially now, it’s important that you get to choose how you’re going to show up.

You get to choose… Hope or despair, action or collapse, bravery shaping your future, or fear paralyzing you.

You will attract into your life whatever you focus on; whatever you give your attention and energy to, will come back to you.


This is how things work. Like attracts like. You may believe it or not, but it wouldn’t matter (the same way it wouldn’t matter whether or not you believe in the law of gravity; if you take a step off a ledge, you’re going to fall).

If you are feeling anxious, stressed out, angry or afraid, you’re sending out that negative energy and it will come back to you.

On the other hand, if you are feeling excited, enthusiastic, passionate, hopeful, joyful, you name it… then you’re sending out positive energy, and it will also come back to you.

The universe will respond to both of these vibrations. It doesn’t decide or evaluate which one is better for you, it just responds to whatever you’re creating and sending out, and it gives you more of the same… you always get what you give.

Your thoughts have a specific vibration that will attract whatever vibrates in the same frequency.

Whatever you’re thinking and feeling at any given time is your undeniable request to the universe, and it will respond every time; no exceptions.

If you want to take control of your life, you need to make sure that your thoughts and feelings are aligned with those of the things and experiences you want to have.

If joy and happiness are what you want to attract, then you need to start having thoughts and feelings of joy and happiness now so, just like a radio, your frequency is in tune to receive them.

Once you understand and accept how this works, you will start to consciously and intentionally create a better life.


So, what’s it going to be?

Life has just presented you with a unique opportunity to start showing up as the best version of yourself, and develop the skills you need to come through this current challenging experience more resilient, more capable, and more focused on achieving success than ever before!

Will you rise to meet the challenge?


Risks are Worth Taking

Aren't you tired of living under a dark cloud?

Yes, life can sometimes be hard, but I don't want it to be easy; I want it to be worth it.

It will involve risks, of course, but if there's Love and Faith involved, they would be worth taking.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

Only you can create the life you wish to live.

Acknowledge your dreams and aspirations, take steps to achieve them, and keep moving forward.

Trust that all will work out for you for your highest good.

Be the leader of your own life and choose to do the things that genuinely move you.

The Lord, our God, said to us in Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain.” - Deuteronomy 1:6

Patience and Perseverance

It is not in achievement but in endurance that the human soul shows its divine greatness and alliance with God.

Endurance is not just the ability to bear hard things but to turn them into glory, for final victory comes to the one who endures.

"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." - Romans 5:1-5

Letting Go

Letting go is the hardest thing on Earth, but holding on can be just as difficult. They both require the same amount of strength and willpower, yet your strength is measured not by how hard you hold on but by how readily you let go.

Cry, forgive, learn, and move on.

Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.

Learn from your pain, trust, and let go.

Sometimes you can see further through a tear than a telescope lens.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28

Recondition Yourself for Success!

Did you know?

  • 70% of smokers say they would like to quit but can’t.

  • 92% of people fail at their New Year’s resolution within the first month.

  • 85% of drug and alcohol addicts relapse after recovery.

  • 95% of people who lose weight fail to keep it off long term.

  • 98% of people die without fulfilling their dreams.

People want to progress; they want to be and feel better.

The problem is they have developed characteristic patterns of thinking and behavior; they focus on the same images and ideas, and they keep asking themselves the same questions. They do want a new result, but they continue to act in the same way.

You have inside the necessary resources to change anything in your life. It’s just that you have a series of associations that usually prevent you from utilizing your full potential. These associations have their pathways already linked in your nervous system, making you react to situations in a certain way, which, in most cases, has nothing to do with the event itself.

If you want to get new results in your life, knowing your outcome and getting some leverage will not be enough. You can be motivated to change, but if you keep doing the same things and repeating the wrong patterns, your life will not change; all you’re going to get is more pain and frustration.

You need to change your approach.

Remember the old record albums? Those discs (we called them LPs back then) can consistently reproduce the same sounds because of the groove in which the sound is encoded. But what would if happen if you picked the record, took a needle, and scratched it back and forth several times?

The pattern encoded in the groove will indeed be deeply interrupted, and the record will never play the same way again.

Likewise, interrupting your limiting patterns of behavior or emotions can change your life.

Just like Marianne Williamson said, “you must learn a new way to think before you can learn a new way to be.”

Three things must be in place for you to make these changes and make them last. They are the three fundamental steps of Neuro-Associative Conditioning:

  • Get leverage on yourself. You need to make a decision and acknowledge that:

    • Something MUST change.

    • You MUST change it.

    • You CAN change it.

  • Interrupt your current pattern of association. You have to scratch the olf pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving by doing something weird, out of the ordinary in the way you talk or move your body (use ludicrous words instead of the harsh ones you say when you’re angry, for instance).

Condition a new, empowering association. Install a new alternative, and work on its reinforcement until it’s conditioned. Like an out of tune piano, human behavior needs to be continuously reinforced until it becomes a habit. Piano tuners have to keep checking and adjusting the strings until they stay in tune –notice that we call the process ‘conditioning,’ which means that you’ll have to regularly check and reinforce the changes, so you don’t allow the option of getting back to the old way.

Link pleasure to your new alternative. Reward yourself emotionally each step of the way to accelerate the development of the new pattern.

Keeping it together through fear and uncertainty

There are two types of uncertainty; the one we always welcome, like starting a new relationship or a new job, which in some way foreshows good times and are manageable and predictable.

But there’s also the other type that presents us with an unpleasant situation we’re not familiar with and takes us outside of our comfort zone. We don’t feel secure anymore and start wondering how we will get through or if we could ever handle it.

We need certainty. It’s a fundamental human need that provides us with a feeling of security and safety. At the same time, uncertainty always involves fear of the unknown and the sense that we’re no longer in control of our lives.

Nevertheless, we can take charge of our actions and reactions to these situations. We feel the fear, but we discipline ourselves to look beyond it and focus on a positive outcome.

Like Nelson Mandela said, “Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it; the brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Whenever we’re faced with uncertainty, there are a few things to be mindful of so we can bring peace of mind to any chaotic situation:

. Trust ourselves. We’ve done it before; we’ve made it through all kinds of adversity, and we can make it through this one too.

. Tough times don’t last; tough people do. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger (except bears, of course, bears will kill us ). We may not feel strong at the time, but we will be wiser, stronger, and better equipped in the future.

. Things always work out, one way or the other. Sometimes, when we get to a roadblock, we feel disappointed when in reality, it was a detour to take us to an even better destination.

. Life goes on. There will come a time when we’d look back at that situation and wonder why did we worry so much in the first place.

. We can only grow outside our comfort zone. We need to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable so we can succeed and enjoy life.

. Everything looks clearer in retrospect. Once we’re able to look back, we’ll understand and appreciate the way things unfolded and even why.

Steve Jobs said it right, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

Uncertainty is a normal part of life, and we need to learn to see it that way.

It’s challenging to feel confident when we can’t see where we’re going and easy to perceive everything as a threat, but often, those uncertain times lead us to a brighter future.

The roads we know can only take us to places we’ve already been. If we’re willing to take risks and travel uncharted paths, we can open up a world of possibilities and opportunities, new beginnings that won’t happen if we cling to what we know.

Let’s take that chance; we’ll make it through, and, in the wonderful words of Alain de Botton, “feeling lost, crazy and desperate belongs to a good life as much as optimism, certainty, and reason.”

Stay strong!

Simple ways to find your smile every day

Don’t wait to be happy

There are always reasons to be happy. Happy times are coming and going like trains in a train station; sometimes, they are right there right in front of your eyes, waiting for you to shift your focus and notice and appreciate them.

Whatever is going on around you, you can feel happy, be productive, create success, and enjoy yourself; all you have to do is change your focus and the way you think.

Create your happy moments

We all dream of being happy someday, but only when the conditions are right. Until then, we’re overworked, overstressed, and less than pleased. We create a utopian destination out of something that should be part of the journey.

If we don’t train ourselves to feel happy along the way, what makes us think we will feel it when we get there? Happiness is an emotion we can create by setting ourselves up with the right state (mental, emotional, and physical) to build momentum, and when those ‘right conditions’ are met, we’ll be there already.

Get in a happy state

A joyful life is the best kind of life we can hope to achieve. It creates those positive, feel-good vibes and allows us to look to the future with optimism. Bliss and pure joy seem like ephemeral emotions, but we can learn to hold on to it and relish in it and eventually create it at will.

In short, stop worrying so much, appreciate all the small things (and the big things you may be missing out too), surround yourself with positive, loving people, smile more, laugh more, hug more, and love more…

After all, what can be better than that?

Stay strong!


Whatever the events you're going through, they don't determine where you can go; they merely show you where you are starting.

Live one day at a time; enjoy one day at a time.

Embrace hardship as a pathway to peace, that peace that comes when you trade expectations for acceptance, when you have the faith to know that, despite the circumstances, all is well.

When you take the world as it is, not as you would have it.

Wisdom comes by knowing what you have to accept.

"Don't mistake God's patience or His absence. His timing is perfect, and His presence is constant. He's always with you!" -Deuteronomy 31:6

Take the Chance

Some time from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails.




And above all, Love.

Remember, you cannot control the wind or the tides, but you can adjust the sails to reach your destiny.

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." -Timothy 1:7